The feet change?!?! My perfect world is shattered! Seriously though, are you sure the feet change? Because I've never seen that before as the...
Thats frustrating, I'll have to set my map up another way... Back on topic: Sorry to be annoying but I have to put in that the emergency spawn...
Re: The Halo 500 Map "Track" Pack (7 tracks) I have no doubt they are good maps, but isn't it a bit of a name steal off the Bungie 500? Or is it...
No, it will go to the next highest priority spawn area. A quick question, is there anyway to make sure where a teams VIP will spawn? This is...
I don't mean to be rude but don't just post saying you lost and get in a strop because you don't think the system was fair or something. Sure it's...
Ok thanks, I'm ready all day today and tomorrow after 18 00 GMT
Hey guys, this site is pretty cool: It takes the stats of any two named gamertags and decides who...
Isn't that the same as saying there was no point in Bungie releasing a Beta for Halo 3 because they hadn't finished everything? That they...
Sorry about the black and white, it was either that or even worse quality with my friends capture card. I hadn't played for long then and was...
I personally think its great, and valhalla is just the opposite of kashyyk, big and open, I always thought of kashyyk as heavily forested, outside...
I was just wondering who else has registered to this? All you need to do is DL the gamerpic pack associated with the tourney and live in Europe....
This is a montage starring me and my favorite sound but edited by my friend. Its a month or two old but still good...
Victor - Unleash Mayhem 15-11 Carnage Report: Score...
Ok I'm online and sent you a fr EDIT: Do we post the results in here?
TY for that, if you're able can we do it in about 15-20 minutes?
It isn't bad, but I think most people here would 100% prefer a VIP gametype as it designed for race
I highly recommend bumper jumper as said above, it increases aiming ability in the air. Although as also stated above, the switch to melee is the...
Just post here what time you can make.
27 clips for the assault rifle - i think, I will double check if needed 69 for pistol (using dual-wielded) - ditto. 42 seconds with the machine...
I'll have the results in a few mins. Edit: Do you want the turrets attached or do you want me to try both attached and detached? Also I take it...