The difference is that instead of senselessly beating people with your grav-hamer, you use it to whack them away from your goal, or the ball...
Halo 3 Basketball So i made this basketball map/ gametype. it is assault, with floating plant points, and one bomb. the goal is to get the bomb...
OK, but what about putting in a secret short cut or some thing, that is hard to find.
What i would like to see are some obsticals, maybe dumpsters, that are in the ground, but when you drive over them they pop up. you could have...
Sounds like a fun idea, i think it would do well on a forged version of the pit, you know changing up the camo/overshelds, and maybe changing...
Nice Guide, will probably help a lot of people. personally the way i learned is by playing around with it. Three tips i just thought i would...
Hey, i was wondering if anyone else was having trouble getting on their account? i had an account, but ever cence the new update for...
I read that Dazzel for mac was bad quality, not all dazzel
No, but i have read the reviews and that was stated in alot of them
you could have every sword in one wepond holder with a 10 sec re spawn, so that it seems as though it instantly re spawns, but it is really just...
Sorry about the clarity issue. It's like this, i have a double box open floating over a platform. in the double box their i 1 gravlift and...
I would like and external card. I am in the US, and i have aready ruled out Dazzle for Mac due to bad quality. Thanks for your Help -Teaco
Ok, so i am working on a drop ship like thing outside of Blackout, and i found a way to make it drop a ghost. this is the basic design...
i believe that the easiest way only works on Blackout, i think that when you are on blackout it will stay the color it was spawned at. someone...
So I was looking to get a capture card, but the problem is that most of the good one's are for PC only. so i was wondering if anyone had any good...
not quite positive that this belongs hear, but i decided that i should tell you guys. i found a simple way to make shore that things are lined up...
when i try that i just get forced back out of the map, but i guess i'l try again. also i have a template that goes out, but it's the kind of...
hey, I have seen some maps on blackout, and liked them so i decided that i would try one for myself. the thing is, i'm having trouble breaking...
thanks this helped a lot, and also, i think your avalanche link is broken.
I was thinking that maybe someone could start a tread were you would summit a plan for a map that you either don't have the time for or that you...