This sounds like i very interesting project, i greatly encourage you to fallow through with this. i would be more than happy to help you with...
Hey, I hate to revive my thread, but i thought of another question. in the skybubble, how much vertical space is there, as in how many "boxes"...
One problem though, it cant travel through the shield door, so you would need to leave enough space without having enough that people could chuck...
Hey, I am one of those people who does not have the mythic map pack yet, and would like to ask those of you who have it several questions. I...
Nice map, i really like the diagonal walkways. Once i get the Mythic Map Pack i will definitely DL. Also, in your weapons list, you listed a...
First of thanks to AZN FTW for a great guide. second, i would like to bounce an idea off you guys. i think that you could use this to create...
so we all hate that we have to burn objects on keeping people in our maps. this is a new way i just thought of for keeping people on maps that...
Hey, it's Teaco, i started the thread that you posted on saying that you also had strange objects (such as containers) appier on sandtrap and...
Ok, that makes me feel beter, now that i know that this has happen and that i wasn't just remembering wrong. also Malauk pm me with a link to the...
It usually says sandbox if u are forging with people over live, at least that what i found.
This is your problem, instead of pressing "a" to reset the respawn time, just press "x" to bring up the menu. also, if you are finding that you...
Deployable covers, so simple yet so right.
Idea for windows -Use some sort of movable object that is non destructable and put portable grav lifts were the zombies can get them, then have a...
Hey, sorry i didn't get back about this sooner. I will do my best to try to recreate this, and sorry about not having pix or videos because this...
Ok, hey, stick with me on this one, it may seem a little off topic at first but just wait for the point. I just randomly remembered something from...
I've got a random weapon box idea. have a separate room, with a man cannon at the bottom pointing towards the wall and up. then put every...
I have several question about this mode. i just unlocked it and i remember hearing that the more people you have, the harder it is. Also i just...
OK, so if the VIP has good camo, and is invulnerable, what stops him from just walking to each destination? other than that it looks good.
OK, so i recently played this as 2v2, and it was amazing. the major difference between this and grifball is that this takes much more team work,...
Wow, Great Video, i think i may use something like this in a map soon.