Damn, i was just about to start working on something like this, best of luck though
This map just like this was very recently created. Link
Great map, just tested it out, i really works best with a big party though
I have a mac and it let me download silver light just this morning to watch that video. After you click the download link you have to find it in...
I think maybe you could make a square out of crates or small blocks (depending on what map you use) and have gravlifts propel them around.
Ships are always beter when they include a switch. i find it make them more intresting.
You could also take a bunch of pics and edit them together.
Maybe you could try it with more objects, i feel like having 5/10 objects spawn would work better. I'm not promising anything this is just a hunch.
Wow. Just wow, this is and excellent map, I really look forward to playing on it some time. the bridge is aw inspiring due to it's clean merges....
This can NOT easily be done as all vehicles are movable objects and so if you try to interlock it it will either pop out or disappear. with...
Thanks a bunch!
Hey I accidentally deleted my sandbox canvas. It was a lazes blocked No money glitch stack canvas for the main area. sorry to be a noob but i...
Hey looks like a nice map, I would DL but I don't have space. the only question I have is how do your drop pods work?
Name: Cam-nade Description: stick to any person/surface on contact, after throwing a "mini screen" appears near the corner of your screen and...
try looking at this thread, it may help.
I find it easiest to do it with man-canons STEPS 1) place another box where you want your wall to be 2) place a double wall over it, and one on...
Nice drop pod, this has given me a great idea for my own drop pod, I'll post a link here if i ever get around to finishing it.
Hey guys I've been looking to get a power inverter, to power some of my electronics on long car rides. the only problem is that there are so many...
You miss understand, you would spawn with say 10 sec of invisibility so that you couldn't die unless you just stayed there.
I really like the idea, sounds cool. You should also let people choose there class. Also maybe balance the classes a little the sniper is a...