Maybe this is to specify human or elite, that would be kinda cool
if you spawn one of a single object, and then defeat it u will undo the budget glitch
we all feel for you man, now time for you to go steal a friend's xbox lol
I thought there was supposed to be a small increase in player size
do you guys think this is a typo? because according to this you can have 32 person online Halo: Reach for Xbox 360 - News, Reviews, Previews,...
Anyone know if you can spawn on your bro co-op style only in invasion, or in all gametypes?
Does anyone know how much disc space the beta is going to take? I need to know if i need to clear some up or not? also Is there even an...
I've noicied that sometimes objects placed in a specific spot are darker than others. if you could isolate this and make it so that you had the...
This is a good thing i feel, because it's allowing people who have/had great ideas but weren't great forgers to finally be able to get their ideas...
well then my idea should work
to delay them form doing this have you puzzle be an asymmetrical game type and have a kill ball spawn in symmetrical only where your spawn points...
so i just got an idea for how to make an air strike on sandbox. you have two opposing base on opposite sides of sandbox. have the bases outside...
i've always loved your maps, good luck with this one, does it have a lower deck?
I'm excited, although i would have like it if you had shown the new map a little, just a little snippet would have been nice. still can't wait...
Are you sure you have enough double boxes though, i seems like you've used a ridiculous amount of them. As for feed back it would be pretty epic...
There is a map i have that has a really cool start, basically it is a little step that you cant drive over, and 10 sec in a ramp spawns to let you...
Ok, you could take a wall placed flat, and put some grav lifts on top, then put a bunch of fusion coils near them, but where they don't get...
Always loved you ships, this one is even better then the rest 5/5
two questions, one can u ever hijack a wraith, because I've been trying without success. and two on crater dark does anyone know what that think...
I believe that the map packs when downloaded will count as custom content, if I'm correct a game without any map packs isn't 100 slots-the 11...