Hey Loscocco you may want to put that in a spoiler, that's kinda a major giveaway.
Sketch up works on macs, just when you downloading the actual program make sure you click the one that says "Mac OS".
Yea but what about like scorpion on scorpion, then it's just who sees the other first.
Is anyone upset that the scorpion now kills anything in one shot?
I thought i heard there weren't passenger seats, only the pilot ant two gunners. I was wondering if when you had the flag your would drop the...
Does anyone know if you can carry objective items while riding the falcon?
Hey thanks a bunch man, these are great. Also does anyone think that they could figure out how to make a sketchup of a falcon, I'd like to know...
I really hope they include a Matchmaking for firefight, it was annoying having to get a full party in ODST
no like in the sky box so that if you fall off you die
Wow, amazing, I remember seeing this in the preview and thinking it would make an excellent aesthetic map, never did it occur to me that you would...
Nice job, looks really well forged, I've been thinking of doing a series like this for a while, unfortunately my less than great forge skills...
If this was reach jet packs would make this awesome. but it's not so I'm going to say try it with rockets and grav hammer, plus make spawns on...
Spartan to Elite- step in front and flip the guy over your shoulder, bend down and punch a hole in his chest, plant a grenade Self saving...
although i love jet pack, i have to disagree on armor lock, if u use it well you can emp them and get a quick beat down. the only AA's i use in...
For the first time in a long time Monday didn't suck ass :P
Loving the armor lock, I used it to win a game of one flag ctf. I killed the flag runner right next to the drop point with about 10 sec left in...
Anyone have a guess on how long the beta will take to dl?
anyone know if the emp from armor lock takes down friendly shields?
I don't know, make sure you check your starting points and re spawn areas, they can screw some stuff up sometimes
Getting a code would be awesome, i just don't have the time to search for them, oh well only 2 more days