headshotzz high elevation is good for quick easy and silent kills with the sniper. this map is recomended for team games(not ffa) 2v2--3v3--4v4...
i have to fix somethings on it than ill mae the pics
kk bye
kool make another one
yo go on halo ima go on it rite now to take pics so comeon
looks fun 4/5 all u should do is merge the double walls idk i like merged
hey do u have an aim??
i will u helped alot ill do it in a lil bit my friend is plaing gears i have to say thanks for helping me and giving me that idea of the stair tower
looks good ill have to try it
later ima ut headshotzz onto forgehub
looks pretty good 3.5/5 for being alittle sloppy but nice map if i had more room on my xbox i will try it oout :]
dude i didnt even see those beam rifles until i lokked very close nice job 5/5
yo dude sry i left the pwer was out for like 2 hours but i should be on aroung 12
looks okay just u should interlock the fence walls
looks good for a first post just make somemore cover
looks good man ima check this out
looks very neat i will downlaod this just i think u couldve added more stuff in the defenders base im only judging on the pics ive seen so far
if u want to talk faster i/m me on aim my sn is ibe HaXzOr
u r my favoritde forger i love your maps