wow there would be a colum on my page that says infractions i am a stupid idiot face
how do u give rep and lucky i am sooooooooo jelous i luv him no ****
if i get warned i hope its by chipsinabox i will be proud to say i got a message from him lolololololololololololololol
dude anyway play h3 wit me tommorrow and u like my gr3 probaly ganna get waned again
nm to confusing
where r the pics?????????????????
looks very tiny and caged in good for sniping i figured out from playin it
hey how do u get all that picture underneath ur quick reply like the aceviment pics and the cod4 things it looks kool plz tell me
i dont get it can u explain it to me :(
oh nd u have to see the newest map i made its called mlg prototype probaly be on forge hub tomorrow u have to be the first to say somtin on it it...
wow i hate when u r right
dude this **** looks freakin tight lyke the idea its lyk a big barrier in the middle and the bomb guy omg this is soooooooo original 5/5 cuz i luv it
good night
ude idc if i spam i dont even know when i spam i have a voice on this community and dam it i will bve heard
oh and mlg blitz is deff in the map pack
no pics not cxarin untill i see pics sry if im a little harsh
dude i posted so much **** on ur maps u kick ass at forge excuse my language u r right u there in bein my fav forger u r 2 chipsinabox is 1
dude luv ur m aps u r my second favorite forger right next to chipsinabox damm u r veast love this and short circcuit damm i will double post hat...
wow i wanted to do a mlg version looks like ui beat me to it lol i lyk the idea of how u placed all the objects and how u looked at it vertically
looks good for a 1 post lyk the idea of turrets being ripped of a having to use the 200 clip ammunition