this map looks okay i see what ur trying to do but it could be a little mnore neat
looks good but i agree with the first post plz dont call it stairway to heavon
lol thx for replying on that
wow someone post a reply???
wow dude it loks freakin sweet love the boxes standin up like a big pillaR?
hey dude play the map and u will see that it is very fun
i liked the halo 1 sniper it wasnt good for split screen though if you had xbox connect or halo 1 pc you would know what i tlk about when u snipe...
yes sweeny o have changed tons of things in v2 just look
this map looks very good but i think it could use a lil more cover well its from the pics i saw so yea
Well it's official everyone my newest map MLG Forsaken is about to be released in like 2-3 days yes it will be worth the wait from the people who...
yep agrre
dud ei luv the fact that now people have to actually do this with weapon cuz b4 kids were puttin maps on the forums sayin mklg but had equipment thxz
dude this looks very well made i think the middle could be a little more improved more
yea dude rockets spwan at the stair tower but in the begging it is very easy for sniping kills
dude i luv this map i was thinking about putting it on my 1v1 site the 1v1 source for people who want too have fun - 1v1--halo3
yea dude prototype took me foreever
ive seen this map b4
look at the comment above this one again same thing for court yard
looks very good but 10 br's for blacktop a little to much i would start with 4 br's for extra ammuniton stating the fact u already start with one...
it looks kool i like the base signatue on it