thanks guys enjoy the map
thanks rose enjoy
hey trent thanks for the 4/5
thanks sgt enjoy the map
its no problem still 4/5 is good
thanks mortarion
Creator: me testers: me x snipelilmunch x maggot sk8 x theonepower ABH overkill ka thuix map size: Small Players: 2-6 Gametypes: slayer ctf...
dude thats ****ing amazing that could be a bungie fav good job 5/5
youd have to be retarded not to se them lol jking
thanks dye enjoy the map
u dirty blam!
thanks mortarion enjoy the map
pizza is that good or bad reveiw?
thanks guys hope you enjoy the maphave fun happy forging
no theres more then covenant andbrute oddworld and thanks guys enjoy the map
thanks for the kudos man
thanks american for the 4/5
it took me about 5 days to make and thanks enjoy with your freinds
enjoy the map thanks for the good reveiws
thanks obsidian andheadshot enjoy