thanks alot i tried it with all gametypes and i thought the fun lvl was about the same for all the games
Ok Hope You Guys Enjoy The Map Keep On Forgin
Soverainexy [IMG] Creator: X1 caboose 1X Testers:me dwert rayrayxx24 goldensniper95 finalxviper mea xoverkillx someguyuh8 fead1 peopledenger...
thanks for the 4/5 hope you enjoy the maps guys!! keep on forgin
thanks i hope you enjoy both of them
This map is a great arena map although there could be inprovements like not putting the equipment on instant respawn that was really gay but good...
i loved hobo heights and since i never se it around anymore i wanted to recreat it but with some twists so enjoy guys
thanks guys for the feedback enjoy the maps
thanks guys hope you enjoy the map check out my newest map pack
Kill Zone map Pack Map #1 (mlg) Dead Accuracy Players 4-12 testers me, xsnipelilmunchx, mea xoverkillx, mitch0026 le61on x, k IR o n II, cjs51...
Death Below Map type mini game infection game type Falling pallets download HERE map description/task: the point of the map is to stay up top as...
if you deleted the stuff in the middle and did some editing you could have a great baseball stadium oh and love the map great interlocking 5/5
map is very original very well interlocked 5/5
dude dont double post ur map just simply edit ur other post thanks
thank you paulie enjoy the map
paulie! love the map great interlocking 5/5
lAst update 1 more pic enjoy!!
thanks for the 5/5 enjoy the map btw i like ur cures for the red ring of death lol!
ok no prob hope you enjoy the map! also btw guys if you can put a star rating where it says rating on the gray bar on this that would be awsome to
ok hope you enjoy it when u get a chance to play it