Leg1on my man hey i remember this map i helped test and make you mad whenever i got out but now they're all fixed hopefully but great map great...
woot ranked rocket race
so id delete everything non halo to use it
lolz id like to thanks marty's mom lol!!!!!!!!
i would make meh a blood gulch:happy:
hey guys im making been making a map so if u wanna test let me know need legendary maps
Hey guys you know how the have plane races over water or the helicopter races in GTA well what about banshee races in halo we got all the items we...
doesnt look like theres any interlocking done to the ship at all but its still good but i would recomend making a v2 with interlocking and add...
thanks for the feedback ninja
User Name(s): X1 caboose 1x Map Name: Convike Did you read and follow instructions: yes Do you prefer not using advanced forge techniques: yes...
thanks for not calling it grifball
really beacause ive been searching for something like this and found nothing so thats why i did this
well evryone has they're own opinion so thanks for the comment
actually thats where the teamwork comes in some of you get the flag and some stop the other team from scoring its a very hard game
thanks the stairs are they're for some kind of elevation without ruining the gameplay
I present to you a new game to add to the sports section of halo 3 FLAG WARZ MAP DOWNLOAD here GAMETYPE DOWNLOAD here GAME DESCRIPTION: Im...
omg this is really good great interlocking on both hekmets i would say u deserve recon but u already got the helm i think you should made the...
thanks for the reveiws and suggestions guys
thanks legion enjoy the map
thanks for the ideas ill have to put them in a v2