wow this map is sick but one thing you should make those doors bigger they seem a tad small but great job definelty a download from me
Thanks but where does it seem sloppy so i can fix it up
berk ill play if you want someone because i have nothing to do add me if u wanna k1llerdarkness
theres one now =)
no problem dude cause i went through testing making sure the banshee was balanced
*EDIT: ok sorry about that guys download is now there Darkfalcon-Looks good, loks like it will play well, not to mention well forged, But i...
Longshire Lonshire is a slayer/ctf map suited above sanbox in the skybubble which means if you fall off you die the map is perfectly...
love the bases good job but i dont like the whole linear thing you have goin if you made it wider i would definetly download 5/5 for aesthetics
sad face =(
when does halo wars come out in us? in stores also great map looks like you put alot of time into it but cant playtest till i get the map
thanks for the guide!
africanboi please refrain from double posting just simply edit your first post and thanks for telling me whats wrong
i love how you made that box corner perfect merging/interlocking but i have to agree with the other guys way to open man this map has potential
Factories Map download: : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details Creator: Me (k1llernemesis k1llerdarkness) Players: 4-12 Canvas: Foundry...
DownFall Creator: K1lleRNeMeSiS (me) Testers: Mea xOverkillx, Dragun9, Mea xXSHADOWXx, LCpl Warren, X MAGGOT SK8 X Players: 2-6 Gametypes:...
thanks for the feedback guys
no you cant stay at the spawn the zombie has grenades that he can throw through a window panel
yes the zombie can get to the humans if they decide to camp at the spawn
Type: Infection Players:3-10 Canvas: Foundry Makers: Dr3adNAUGHT39( X1 caboose 1X ) Mea xoverkillx Description: I dont know if we are the first...
can some1 shed me some light on this because im confused is there still and item limit on the map or no or is it just a budget glitch with nothing...