yeah... damn it...
I'm building a couple dominion maps and I have a few questions regarding spawning. My maps have 3 bases, all of which are either Spaceships, Space...
I dont have the proper amount of time to make a proper rant and i know you probably said what you said beause you dont know otherwise but you cant...
Let me start out with pointing out that you are a retard. Second i would like to point out that all these maps look beautiful and are fricking...
I agree with plasma blades. Whenever i played it is imposible to capture the core because you have the defenders spawning in between you and your...
Well done. I love the epic sniper. Its so perfect, i doubt you could get much more acurate than that. You have my dl. Friggin amazing dude. Cant...
Wow. You just pounded forgehub with three great maps all at the same time. Good i dea because people will take notice. The maps are great. They...
There are those ways but they are much harder and allow only restricted access. My way has 2 different paths to achieve it. First way is hard. Get...
Welcome to the final installment of the Catalyst Map pack. This map, Hydropermo (Waterwar in greek) takes place in water. Parts of the map are...
Nice map. Smoth turns, decent length, nice aesthetics. I like the tunnels where you use the glass covers. Only question is why is the tunnel...
I made a similar map that was a remake of the original version made by bungie called Battle Royale. My remake isnt as exact (more scenic) and you...
First of all the trailer was called Deliver Hope not Deliver or hope. Second you must have pictures. Without them, no one will download your map...
How does the game end. Since there is obviously more than one life, it would seem that it would end with one person standing on the platform and...
Seriously dude this map looks good and i want to dl. It looks good mainly because of the exterior unfortunately (hints at forerunner) and i cant...
ok. Ill do that next time im on reach.
well that usually doesnt happen because in reach theres no way you can keep hitting at the same time and live for awhile. In reach, after about...
The bridge is actually quite easy to cross. You have multiple warthogs and mongoose to do so. The only time anyone has ever fallen off is when...
just wanted to point out that your dl link takes you to a picture of a falcon
Welcome to the second installment of my Catalyst Map pack. This map, Battle Royale, is a loose remake of the halo 3 map BattleRoyaleTB, which was...
Welcome to the first map in my Catalyst Map pack. This one, The Tower, is the sequel to my casual invasion map, Isla de Conocertes (not proper...