I would recomend people to play these they work very nicely for parties. 5/5
Thank you anyways for your help I'll figue something out. Stairs aren't a bad idea.
I was woundering if someone knew how to Set an item like a fence wall to have a set time that you can set for it to dissapear?[not spawn] I was...
This looks like a dangerous map I like dangerous maps. On a sid note is there anything in the volcano besides explosives and are they set on a timer.
Its a nice little village it would work well on multiple types of games but IMO i think its good for elimination or VIP type games.
Kind of contriversial if you ask me but if you like making tributes well well thats your choice it looks good though.
Re: Bunker Hillv3 Looks big how manny people should play on this map? I think you would need a full party to play this but thats not a bad thing.
It looks ok I'll try it.