good job it looks much nicer than the first one, you even took up my reccomendation on the custom buildings. dl for sure.
it looks good and everything, but you should probably change the sword stand, because you could hide behind it, you probably have to jump to get...
much better, now there's cover. the only other thing i noticed is those 2 story buildings on the side. in my opinion, it looks a little weird with...
looks good, my only concern is that you might want to put a.... oh, wait i just remembered you have barely any budget. =) lolz. anyway, i was...
i would be glad to help out with the testing. This looks like a cool map to play on, so again, i would like to help out with that. GT:...
Okay, I have mixed feelings about the map. I like the rock art and cave, but you need to add more cover instead of explosives, and put the power...
You will need to give a bit more of a description such as what is the custom game type, what is the goal of the invasion ( are you stealing alien...
Judging by what you said, you probably know that you need pictures, or the post will be locked. Or video, like you said. If you don't have the...
cool invite me when the testing happens i could also bring some friends to fill up the lobby and so that this doesn't count as a spam, howabout...
nice map although maybe u could make it so you can go inside the generators. maybe... anyway, i'll second b1ane's idea for a custom game. just...
suggestion woah you have a lot of testers... anyway it looks as if the beggining cover item ( the platform ramped ) is a bit too big, i suggest...
sure sorry to get back to you so late i have been playing reach all day
Looks cool, did u get the idea from deranker stadium or the black ops map packs???
it looks cool and it seems like it has some difference from a lot of other slayer maps ( in a good way ) i will dl right now and try it out
looks cool but like mati said it does seem a bit small... i will have to dl and see for myself.
Yeah bungie would be smart to put this in their playlists
Cool map, i will dl and try it out tommorow, but a couple of things first. 1, work on your spelling, it's understandable, but it sort of is...
map review actually looks pretty cool, so dont take too hard on yourself. One thing i do suggest though is that if you have any budget left, (...
looks more like an asthetic than a competitive......... but who am i to judge. besides, i am just basing off the pics.......... yeah. anyway, it...
I also have a map build to suggest ( if you do it PLEAZ put my name for some credit.) ( i meant to mis-spell). In the beggining of GoW2, there's a...