ok, also do you mind if i have two guests??? wait, that gives me an idea. how about we setup a big custom games lobby, sorta like our own little...
you have a very unique style of building, keep it up because it is good. my only concern is that on some of the maps, the weapons seem a bit too...
cool. like other people said, i love how you implanted switches and mechanics into your maps, even infection campaigns. great idea, good job with...
ohhhhhh..... okay, but it is against the rules to do that. someone even got banned or something because they posted their map like.... 10 times....
cool, but could you give a bit more of a description? im not even sure if that meets the requirements... =(
um... dude. im not trying to be harsh or anything, but we've seen this map before. so either you're taking the credit for the map, you're...
wow!!!! this looks awesome!!!! lol. anyway, like raptorieon said, this looks good, i like how its diversified with the three tracks and all. one...
okay, its good that you have pics, but you need to embed them. Otherwise, the moderators will lock your post. here's a guide on how to:...
no offense but it looks way too large and confusing... and have your friends ever seen the maps on halotracks? anyway, it looks like a good start...
review i played this yesterday in berb's TGIF party, and let me tell you, we had a blast. The aesthetics were astounding, the FX combo worked...
AAAARG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol. i have a map with the exact same name that i was gonna post tommorow. anyway, looks pretty good. im not sure if it was...
cool map i shall dl and possibly even get a game in at tonight's TGIF. If you are going to be in berb's late night party, you will see me there....
wow... this is really good! nice work. i only have 2 suggestions. 1, a lot of the map has no railings, so it is easy to fall off the edge if you...
this looks pretty good for the place it was built in, usually the maps in this spot are terrible. my only suggestion is that you make the map...
cool map!!! =) the gameplay would probably be confusing at first but very epic at the end. my only complaint is that for the rocket area, make it...
lol i was there part of the time he was building this, suggesting ideas. i might've even suggested the new bridge... i dont remember anymore. any...
i will dl and try it out. for ur first map on forge hub, this is pretty good! keep it up and you could get a feature up there! =)
this is a cool map, but i think you spent too much budget on the covenant tower thing. you should even out the budget just a bit more, because...
whoaaaaaaaaa....... nice map!!! the music goes well with the map too. whats the name of it??? my only suggestion is that you make it for invasion,...
nice job its a very original idea, the only thing i dont like is there's a lot of uneven pieces, and you used a lot of the default buildings. 2...