high way... no offense... but ur sorta... how do i put it... STUPID. no jk. but really, READ THE DESCRIPTION. it isnt a slayer map, and it isnt a...
like the other guy said, you need more cover. one place, for example, is by the mancannon in the 2nd to last pic. also, about the replies/update...
this looks good, but there is 2 things. 1, you say you cannot use lights. there are some right in the bases. also, a few of the areas look too...
nice job man! it seems like it would make for really good gameplay. also, the blue base looks SICK. i am totallly gonna dl this.
nice, but 2 things: 1, some of the items look sloppy, 2, halo 3 is WAY out of date dude. not many people play it anymore. its not a bad thing, but...
you're dl link for the custom game isnt working. when you fix it, i will dl that and give you some feedback.
cool. this reminds me of the halo 1 map with all the teleporters. my only concern is the level of cover in a few rooms. some of them are fine, but...
this is a double post. i remember seeing this a long time ago (unless it was in the testers guild). wait, did you make any major updates? cuz if...
cool. my only concern is that some of the fields look too open, even for vehicles. you should make more crates, or buildings, or really just...
WOW. i think the back of my head just exploded. lol. anyway, AWESOME job, the magnum cars actually look real. and you even made a doorway to black...
this looks great, i love how you made the wall and everything like in the old one. the only thing i dont like about it is that there is a lot of...
cool. my only problems: 1, in race, respawn points don't matter. you automatically respawn at the last checkpoint. 2, for the turn after the bumps...
Nice map. I will definitely DL. My only concern is that there seems to be very little entrances to the roof. A cool thing you could do to fix this...
cool. it looks like a good terrain track, and it has a lot of unique areas. my personal favorite part would be the rock area, because i think it...
it all looks good and similar, although in the second pic (of the spoilers), you see that one grey and white wall in the middle? i think you...
Nice job with the map. It is unique how you make your ramps out of 2x1 flats, instead of inclines. I like it. Also, it seems as if you have made a...
yeah, most of it is great, but there are a few issues. 1st, some of the buildings look way too big (either that or the pics were taken from...
very nice map, a lot of detail was put into this, and a lot of thinking too. in my opinion, the outdoor battlefield diorama looks the best, except...
my gt is darknessdays6. you can see it on my profile if you forget the spelling or something. :)
this looks great, and looks as if it would have really good gameplay. my only concern is that it reminds me too much of crystal summit...