In my opinions, this is really good in some areas, but still needs tweaking. For example, I think that the visitor center looks REALLY good, but...
besides the whole pic issue, if you need feedback on the map, post it in the testers guild, thats what they are for. then you can check back in...
hi its meh lol hi lol
this looks great, and really reminds me of ascension. also, the middle looks BEAST. the only thing i dont like is the tower by the teleporter (in...
are you able to go through the middle? if so, place a kill zone, if you already did, then good job on the map. this looks like fun gameplay, and...
this looks like it might be fun, although A), at the beggining it looks WAY too easy, abd B), this has been made before. its called lava monster....
lol dude, this isnt a remake of anchor 9. he just has a similar name. also, i like the architecture, the colors, and the layout, although it seems...
lol you made a double pic. also, was that a sniper shot coming from the island? because if so, block that off. you dont want people to stary off...
this looks great, and i think it also would work for slayer. good job. what i would suggest though is that A) you add a bit more color to the map...
This looks BEAST, reminds me of cargo port. One thing that I would suggest though is that you put the rocket in a less open spot, and instead put...
i think that this map could be fun to play on, but has some lack of architecture. what i mean is that you should try and make some more original...
hey dude, do u remember me? back in halo 3, your brother made a track called cryptic spiral, and i was in the video. darknessdays? anyway, on to...
This looks good, especially the architecture, although the turret seems like it would be overkill, especially since it is on a hill. i suggest...
You need to have at least 1 picture or video of the map in the thread, or it will be locked in 24 hours. If you need help on how to put them in,...
this reminds me of guardian, in a good way. i like the center area design, and the bases are unique. i have 2 problems with the map though: 1, the...
nice map, i would agree on the wall coliseums, because A, it is similar to a halo 1 map (as bio said), and B, because it makes it seem more like a...
this. looks. awesome. lol i love ur maps dude, keep up the good work. btw, is the shaking in the video on purpose?
u culd make the CP so that they get like 10 or 20% faster speed. and for the lunge thing, u could have windows on the nests and make the turrets...
nice idea, good name, looks great. here's my pros & cons: Pros -good layout -cool weapon holders -good balance, no real good power weapons cons...
sweet man! i got in the special thanks! lol, nice map, this was great from the start. keep up the great ideas! oh, and also, congrats on Rhem....