I don't really like the black, but the blue looks awesome, maybe change the focus more too that style. Right side seems kinda plain.
I dun like big sigs, but I can try. What size you thinking? EDIT: this? [IMG]
Pssssh, I has no fetish. Btw what you guys think? [IMG]
I'm gonna try one =D. Anime is fun.
Lust wouldnt work, she looks like this- [IMG] Envy is the Girl/Guys NAME.
MK, good luck.
They're all good (first ones face scares me) but on Itachi, why did you put stars instead of swirls? Akatsuki uses funky cloud/swirly things on...
Hmm, have you tried PMing an Admin or Mod about it? I would probly make a tut or 2, since my sigs are unbelievable easy to make.
Whats the idea? Something like a tut side-board off the GaA?
How did you make those pixelated squares? Also what program you use? These are pretty f%cking intense.
Ya tuts are helpful though, I havnt tried them but this site has some good ones (it's a manga site forum but some of the people there are...
I read one tut a long time ago and that was only for the smudge setting, other than that I do it all on my own.
He IS a little kid, he stole Ed's arm. Just remembered Sloth is Ed's mom. I'm thinking of using gluttony cuz he's so cute and cuddly. [IMG] NOTE...
Yuh, but that one is an amazing anime, and has a character named Greed(who i'm gonna base mine on),Envy, Lust, and Gluttony I think.
I think his said the "Green with Envy" too but he doesn't know that Envy is that characters name.
I was thinking of doing this, but now I think I'm going to do mine on Greed from FMA.
I use PS and I looked around the site a little before I joined, so that helped. What program do you use?
v2, I added some stuff and changed font, I think it looks a ton better. [IMG]
Ya I cropped it a bit and ill try some stuffs.