we really dont care how many of your friends like it. Your post could use some work and so could the video. They were trying to help. When someone...
this map is legit. I downloaded and had a lotta fun on it with a couple friends. Its nice to play on a new map, yet have the feeling like you know...
somebody said they dont think the wharthog would move far enough from just one or two cannons. If u flip the wharthog over I think it slides...
I love everything about this map and what i think is the best is u took a kinda cramped 4v4 map and expanded it to easily support 4v4. Gameplay...
i made a maplike this on sandbox and it looked badass. But the gameplay was poor. I guess knowing what i know now about forge it would have been...
if ur fileshare is blank if ur fileshare does not impress me or make me laugh if u've never played the campaign, only multiplayer if u've...
lol crane + street lamp = amazing aesthetics. More seriously though, as a competitive map I dont think this is great. It would be more fun as a...
a plasma rifle can definitely be a beast close range weapon. The thing i dont like about this is it is too small. Doubles would be the only option...
Ok Im not really a fan of this map. Sorry to be harsh but the bird thing looks really ugly, and it doesnt add to gameplay much. And the bases are...
Holy hell this map is fantastic. The aesthetics draw u in and the gameplay brings u back for more. It is full of original forging ideas and clean...
Pretty cool looking map. I dont really understand what u mean by random ramps. I guess just different each round? Ill download for sure and find...
Wow this looks like a great map for 4v4 or 5v5 slayer. Good amount of cover that looks good and is useful too. Its impressive to see how a...
Yea like everyone said, an increase in cover would be nice but an easier way to do that would be mulitiple hills. Im trying to think about how u...
yea merging is pretty important to clean up the map in some spots, but as the majority of the floor is the ground, its not a big issue. This is...
idk about this, r we still in the competitive section? This should prolly be a casual map. And LRMAN is right, on small maps like this, clean...
While i'm not a fan of room to room play, this map still looks great. But as some people said its kind of just a bunch of plain rooms thrown...
While i agree that the design is not really all that crazy, it does not play like many other maps. It is so hard to make a map that players will...
ok cool thanks. Ill try it out in reach and put ur advice to good use on this and future maps.
The design is like narrows but you can go under the bridge and on the sides. I designed it for the crypt so its 32x32, but im pretty busy and cant...
ok my messages just kinda disappeared so ill try again... MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service thanks again