this looks really original! i have never seen of even though of making something that looks like this. i like the hills sides and stuff. 5/5
wow this looks like a really good map with a bunch of stuff i have never seen implemented into maps before. i like the clock tower and the...
wow i really like the uniqueness of this map. i also like how you geo-merged the box into the ground on the edge as apposed to on its side. 5/5
this map looks randomly thrown together. it has some good things but a lot of bad. we'll have to see how we do in the tournament.
im kind of confused on how this works but it does look very original andif it plays well then i think you are the first one to do this. maybe more...
you need bigger pics. its kind of hard to tell whats going on. i would also add something those other soccer-like maps dont have so that this one...
i will most likely download this when i make more room for it but i dont know if i'll keep it. it seems like it will get too repetitive but you...
wow it looks like you put a lot of time into this map and this post. the map looks interesting and unique. i think gameplay will get pretty crazy...
this looks fun. i remember playing bomberman a while back and this should bring back some old memories. the interlocking looks nice and there...
this map certainly is different. i'll give it that. the interlocking looks nice
looks cool but how does the point system work?
i just think its funny when someone has rockets and camo and they cant get a kill.
oh and i doubt them removing the boundries from snowbound because is u get a ghost then you can probably make it behind a rock were the turrets...
im pretty sure someone will find a way into the top rooms on pit stop
i think you can keep it until you remove all but six of the things in it
yeah i'm pretty sure contests are cool here.
what if the elephant drives? will the turret go with it?
you could play a game of big team and then save the map (like valhalla heavy) or something like that and then see what they have on it.
well i'm pretty sure i can do it but it would take forever and ive never tried it b4
1 person gets on someone's head and then jumps. when the person is in the air, the second person jumps. the person who first jumped should land on...