looks nice. i wish i had photoshop but i dont. you look like you have some great potential. i dont really see anything wrong with the pic. good job
great post. this will help me out a lot and i'm sure it will help other people too
...its...different...i'll give it that...
i like it but you shouldn't steal other peoples' ideas (unless you asked them (which wouldn't be stealing (obviously)))
hey good idea. this will help people out a lot. thanks
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looks nice. simple yet elegant. i like the one with the border better but both look good
i like it. there's not much more to say except for 5/5 and + rep. the smudging almost looks like smoke rising up
looks good but i would add something (maybe words) on the far left side. it looks too plain over there
i think you should change the gray to black. that would make it look better.
true but the new executions and MEATFLAG! how beast is that? idk i guess we have a difference in opinions
it looks a little weird but i'm sure you'll get better at it.
well gears one came out before i had i 360 so i would play it at a friend's house and then get addicted. i am terrible online though. i can't even...
this is probably better than i can do so i'm not in any position to talk down. the only thing is...i don't see anything wrong with it.
i like it but its kind of hard to see. (in oldschool mode. idk how it is in the new skin)
you could probably get it from a friend who still has the disks or maybe even a family member
it looks almost legit. like stated above, green bars would be cool and also the lightsaber is poking out the top a little bit. fix those and i...
Gears 2 is going to be so much better then gears 1 and even gears 1 was way more bad-ass than halo could ever be. So i want to know, Gears 2 or...
i really don't like this map. it looks like someone didn't even take the time to try and make a good map. it looks really random. i don't want to...
looks good but more pics would be cool