Sended you a private message :D
I just downloaded the map, and went into customs on my own with the gametype CTF, to check out the map. And about the roofs, you might be able to...
Sure.. Peter 700100 is the name, my gamertag. Or i will add you, i think i have some time tommorow, i really want to try this map out.
Yes, thanks. Pretty much the best explenation i can get. Ill be working on it today, for a long time. I really want to come up with something...
Now this, is an map that i will love, i can already tell.. This is actually the first competitive map that i have seen, that features an Scorpion,...
[/LEFT] I was waiting for this, and recieving this felt like an christmas gift :P Im that excited too begin.. But, i don't really understand...
13 and 17 please. Im all excited :P
I like it. Im going to experiment today with the shield and the sword, in regular matchmaking too. Halo 4 Map - Medieval Wars - YouTube EDIT :...
7 and 2, or 7 and 10.. Or any spot that isn't taken yet, haha :P I really like the idea of this, i am interested what people will bring.
This is probally just after an update, it always is like this after any update/server update. Many games have this, and i have seen this alot....
You amazed me with guardian, now this. You really focus on every detail, all the trick jumps, the feel of the map, the distances, i really like...
Maybe.. HERO! Or.. King SprEEE! I don't really know yet, never got an road trip yet. I like king spree, just because the way he says it. And...
As always.. Just didn't know about this one. One question though, since i can't get on my xbox right now, how did you remake the lift? If you did,...
Reflection! Should,ve known... That is kinda cool, especially because reflection was in the campaign too.
Wait... In reach we had an map that looked just like this (I know its not so long ago, can't believe i forgot the name) and it was also in the...
This is all people need to know, everyone should take this in account. I will try to update this thread in the coming days, i don't have much time...
Ill probally take your advice, and later on make an shmeef submission thread. Then i can, if the creator allows, post it in the aesthetic map...
I just kicked out an thread, but then i saw Oakley,s video about shmeefs. Most of you people are probally already subscribed to THFE, but for...
That is the most awesome use for the shield that i have ever heard. And i want to see it, and do it myself :P Now im gunna try it.
As cluckinho says, you can download "Harvest Hacker Slayer" and "Harvest Teleporter Slayer" both created by Lord Zedd. There is an way to find...