Things noted straight away : 1. Those rocks, are awesome and one makes a perfect ramp 2. We can forge slightly above the water, and those rocks...
YEEEEESS! Awesome. Downloading it now. EDIT : Look at the Forge Island objects, All the ravine stuff I believe and something really, really weird...
Ooohh.. Poor Hushed. But! You are right! Here is Ducain23's video, and then you have to read his comment. I just believe Ducain23, he talked to...
How can we already say these things? Yes, its the campaign that looks, as you say it, generic. But what did you expect? Better Graphics? Its the...
Double Agreed :P. Still, I find the laser super awesome.. We all are just as excited. I agree with this all, this should keep the community...
Yes, Oli you do judge very quickly. And yeah it does look good, but you can't compare this to CoD, Lets not start a flame war though :P And with...
Thanks. I will probally watch it today!
:P The Spartan Laser is probally my favorite UNSC-Weapon though. I wouldn't have the creativity to build a forest with the pieces right now, at...
So its good? Noted! I have something to search for tommorow, its late now :P
It actually doesn't really bother me. You mean Series 7 Part 1 and 2 right? I don't even know the valid reason for doing that. Now you have...
Well... They could want to keep it a secret right? It is not impossible of course.
Good plan. Maybe you should just drop the map in Ravine totally, and just make it on Forge Island. You could take this map concept to the Forge...
Same here. I really thought it was a Competetive 4v4 map. But, that doesn't matter. I like (I could figure something out of the video) the layout...
Moments of power can be made. Man, it would've been so great if they done that. I even think people wouldn't focus on the map anymore, and go...
I knew it would be like that.. But I wasn't really sure though. Now we wait, till Saturday arrives. Hope it will be good!
Beast map. :P
We all miss our beloved air vehicle. You know, they were flying in the Banshee showing the three islands... Imagine the reaction of the crowd if...
Same :) I would be happy with any new piece, not a clue what they could be though.
Yeah, that is not a bad idea. Would like it :P
To let you know, someone in the video said something like this. "We have a combination of pieces of the other forge maps, and some new ones JUST...