Demo Derby: This has always been a minigame favorite of mine. Everyone gets into Warthogs and tries to knock eachother off of the floating...
Lobby Lounge Do you ever find yourself bored waiting for your friend to finish his match? Do your buddies and you ever have to sit in the...
I can see it in Forge. I think something is weird on the map, probably the exploding fusion coils mess it up... Fuel Rods also won't spawn. Oh...
It is at yes.
Hey, I am currently making a map with a Gold Club on it. I placed it in forge, then when I play the map in a custom game, it isn't there. The...
Here is the video someone made about 'Halo Wars'. It doesn't really show the Commander stuff in action, but it shows the battlefield itself well....
Ah yes, those boxes are a problem, but you shouldn't be sniping THAT much ;). I checked one side and it wasn't blocked, and assumed the other...
Thanks for the constructive criticism, I really appreciate it! I thought I would comment on some of your suggestions... Some told me to add more...
I like the visibility the Commander has when he is suspended by the Gravity Lift. The foot soldiers can't hurt the Commander, so it isn't a...
Ya, too bad I didnt' have enough budget. :/ It crossed my mind to block the Commander's view of the battlefield, but that would just be too...
I like the idea, but who would ever choose the Light Assault class? The BR is more dominant than the Assault Rifle in almost every situation....
I completely understand what you are saying but couldn't unfortunately. :( Made in a version 2, if I make one, I can conserve my budget a bit...
In my map, Halo Wars, I used Shield Doors. After vehicles bounce off the shield doors you could catch them with some sort of funnel so they...
Yeah, I can show you how to do it yourself, or give you a map that already has it done. Send me a FR, GT: CheeseJam
Yeah, I hit the budget limit (I didn't use unlimited budget map, I have had bad experiences with them.) I also hit limits on pallets, man cannons,...
Hope you have fun on it! :) And no dude, I did not steal your idea. I think it is pretty clear my map is COMPLETELY different.
Thanks man! I basically did write it on paper, internet paper ;). I also made an entire experimentation map that I planned it out on for like 5...
Thanks for letting me know about the glitches man! Do the weapons fall at the start, I wasn't aware of that one? The Gravity Lifts are sometimes...
Thanks man! Halo Wars isn't for everyone, but who knows, you may love it if you try it out! :)
Thanks for the kind words man! For the pallets upgrade system, I didn't have enough pallets. I maxed out because of the spawn system. I was...