Grats on getting asset to spotlight! I've got a asset map, but was wondering, being the creator, if you'd wanna check it out?
The teleporter camping made no sence to me? And i totaly forgot D: will edit main post about how to end. Updated first post with newest download...
Take the pictures in a custom game, the grid bugs me. Looks nice, but shotgun ROOM? Campable or not? can't really see inside.
All the games i've done theres never been teleport camping. How would you suggest a fix?
The last picture, is that the no longer secret room? Also, did you use a budget glichted canvas?
[IMG] This is my asset map. I know there have been loads latly but i've had this a while and now i feel lt can be relesed! This is a holdout...
This is finally up! I must of played about 10 games on this! Outstanding map! Did you fix assholes getting onto the roof?
Asthectily it's larvvly. I'm gueesing thats a center room to a CTF or Assult game?
So i'm not gunna do block fort, or shall i remake it my way? And i'm doing skyscraper first. Hoping this will turn out how i plan.
It's abit like a battletrack varient now i think about it. Just 3 lives so its like the ballon layout. These maps seem best choice to halo3 i...
I like fun games, Not everly keen on MLG and the sort. As long as the map plays well and don't look too shabby i'll probably DL it.
Guys, I will update this post reguralyy, and add pics, ETC. Started - 16/12/09 End - My idea is to make the classic mario kart battle mode....
This sucks extra much for me, Asset W/o PR's :o
I've noticed that there is no plasma rifles on longshore. On forge. Anybody know why this is?
On avalanche or longshore, is there a way to colourcode the boxes or do you keep making them till you get it right?
I'd want dead ragdoll bodys.
This is hot. I think maps with layers are gunna be the new big thang.
What we have done is thought of 3 things: Make a bridge spawn at same time, drive across new bridge. Bounce off shield doors in the prowler. Make...
I tryed the base of it. He tryed making it like realy ODST's but that fails, This needs work but i think we can get it guys.