Tripple posting is not cool.
Fair play, you have the same screenshot twice though :S
Just gunna say this, on one of the check points, it's right before a jump. I got it wrong and then spawned, didn't have enough speed, fluffed up...
Another one? You need to add screenshots, heres how if you don't know. linky :D
Wow, Rick, your maps always amaze. Utah mambo was a classic, Now we have this. I love how you got invasion in there as well.
EDIT: Added a description, Nevermind.
No problem :) you just need to get it embed into the thread now, so edit your first post and use the guide to get it in there, [Thats what she...
I played ghost busters in H3, I'm confused as to how this would work now bungie took a massive **** on camo?
Yeah, it's not meant to be a exact copy, more inspired from, but that was styled from camo hall. I'm thinking of the camo hall and sniper towers,...
Your thread needs screenshots or it will be locked, If you don't know how to do this, Hopefully this will help. Also, Welcome to forgehub =]
I like the glass looking building, but I would've used Glass cover, It just seems like it would be nicer? Also - LOL ANTENNAS FTW.
Please, for the love of god, type in English :| Anyway, Just add some rocks, maybe one central structure, anything to add more to it. All the...
It's oddball with 300% Speed, Only weapon is lasers, best used on hemmorage or paradiso
Well the map is inspired by the pit, so around the edges I would have semi-remakes of the sniper nests from them, and I am hoping to put another...
'Supose, but I prefer BtB so i'm not sure if i'm gunna get it :/
400 firefight kills was annoying, not sure about this weeks weekly...
I wanna see more of breakpoint...
This will be my first proper reach map, and I am hoping for peoples opinions on what I have so far and will update this thread daily. Anybody who...
I ended up just going for what seemed right, thanks for everyones suggestions.
I like the idea, but I don't think it would play too well, And, the 'nature' area is WAY to open for SWAT.