yeah getting people just dont get cool gametypes which require some imagination. played it just now with some freinds didnt realy work with 3...
will do but i dont wana be havin a conversation on here cus its against the forum rules to be off topic so nice map ill play it with u later
yeah we had bad-ass cops who just ruled over humanity, u didnt start of in jail though(what?) and it was free for all, no powerups just lots of...
nice, we made a cops map but changed the gametype so that it shall we say.. met our requirments. this one is alot better nice job il download now.
it now becomes obvious to me that you have not properly looked at the map yet, so maybe you should do some research and learn how it works before...
im gonna get blacklisted as well cus i bumped the thread like the worlds gonna end :(
please direct some comments to the comments page for the map (on Edited by merge: well thanks for the downloads tell me if you can...
this is my new gate which has an open AND a close button, i have a rendered video of this gate working so here is the link: : Halo...
yeah like i said google chrome its realy anoying cus the address bar is a google search and downlaods never leave the screen, so on my screen they...
meh its all explained in the other forum, it said FAIL so i clicked it again and made 2, both of which had no pic :(
maybe this should replace aaa-aaa-atom, well i mean i dont know anyone that would think thats a bad idea. or more precicly say aaaa-aaa-atom is...
thank you for the link i finaly have success i have plenty more screenshots coming of the actual map not just zoom outs
oh trust me i tried but im using google chrome for the first time cus internet explorer wont connect so its a new world for me lol
well here it is my map. all of the description and stuff are on the download link so it should have everything in one. enjoy i will post...
well here it is my map. all of the description and stuff are on the download link so it should have everything in one. enjoy ah it seems the...