O.K So here is the dealio for this map, I carried it over from Halo 3, it's infection but were the zombies are painfully slow, but almost...
Will enjoy playing this, I went through a recent zombie addiction phase the past week (its half term so a week off of school), so this is right up...
make lots of hiding spots, but keep them all for about 1 person only and make sure there is a big open space between them that the zombies can...
yeah well i gave up on this now so feel free to tamper with it and make a new thread whenever you have improved it greatly ;0 thanks timmy
i did explain in my description that i took the map from halo 3, because i quite obviously did, it's just as soon as i posted it lots like it...
this makes no sense, first you say they will take it back then you say it cannot be taken back? anyway apart from that well the use of grey is a...
ha that would be pretty impressive, but the remakes so far are very good, really like this one not to bothered about the compromises just hoping...
[IMG] well i made this one just wanna see if anyone has got any like it Edited by merge: oh and heres the link to this pic in my fileshare: link
thanks i played halo 3 and found something a bit like this, thats were most of my maps come from.
so it gets even darker? well i will test that out but it gets hard to see if your indoors and well last man standing has a waypoint so its easy...
well here is my first infection map so enjoy: just some overhead pics first then i will explain how everything works: [IMG] [IMG]...
yeah thats what i thought. nice map looks very well made hope it gets in mm (and replaces pinnacle)
this map made me cry. its very hard congrats.
very nice, played on it lots of times now with freinds, just trying to find this thread (not sure how it died) and congratulate you on a spifiing map
very nice, should be on mm because it is very good for promoting team play, which is what halo really needs atm
i must ask how long did u spend making this because it looks very well made.
looks pretty cool just a question is it with all vehicles? (not very relivant i know but im interested)
oh well if were comparing this to like boneyard then yes it is very good but i look through these forums looking for something new. no offence but...
it is unique, but i agree with squidman333, if you remade it with a watery section or something that would be nice, maybe add another twist to the...
meh screenshots enough, if u put some more up i will decide properly, but so far looks good