Some aspects look cool, others I don't like. Also make sure someone can't get the invisibility by running into one of the door corners. Good work...
If I were you I would open The Pentagon up to have more than one entry in. This game seems pointless with only one possible access route. Looks ok...
Its so basic so I hope the gameplay makes up for it. Also are you sure this should belong in the competitive map section? Good work overall.
This does look amazing indeed. I need to get on Halo specifically so I can play your map. Good job setting an example of how to make a great...
Your map sounds really cool so please provide a description that helps explain it in thourough detail. Its hard to navigate the map without one....
Your map makes me cry :( Theres so much you can do with Foundry, I would encourage you to consider this when making your next map. Thanks.
Agreed. It also seems you have quite the obsession with turrets. You might want to consider removing some of them (specifically the first...
Like Lance said it would have been very easy for me to forget about this post after not seeing any embeded screenshots, although I was curious to...
Umm, wheres the ship? I see elements of it but can you please post a screenshot of the entire ship so that I can put the pieces together. The...
Having an influence from the first Halo, this map might be really fun for a "H1 weapons on map" game. I like the design too, nice job.
From an aesthetic standpoint, this looks good. From a competitive standpoint, this donsn't look like that much fun. It does look like a Junkyard...
This looks like fun. I'd like to see an overview screenshot of the entire map just so I can put it all together. Other than that I'll dl this when...
This looks really cool. I'd like to see the trench layout with the ceiling removed. Anyway you can provide the community with a floor plan of some...
This looks ok, I don't exactly understand the purpose of having a Warthog on your map though with little space to drive around, plus those shield...
Not being a fan of clumped together weapons myself, I agree with Lance though. If you are going to create a weapon stockpile, be sure that its...
I like this but unfortunatly though, this is a runner up to the previous remake of Turf I saw. This is still a good remake though, better than I...
I personally don't think that I would have fun on this map. Sorry man but this won't cut it for me, I'd like to see you use Foundry for what it...
Re: Hop hop You need to resize your screenshots so that they fit the page and also have more of them. I'm sure your map is good so give it a... far.......the best..............mech I have seen.