This is a great post besides the extensive use of squirrels. The map seems good too, but I do not understand the reasoning behind the location you...
Re: Base Conflict, 10 pictures Please fix your post primarily, but also change your subject to just your map title (Base Conflict) because it...
He has a link to his fileshare, which is a no no. Please make a link to the thread of your map. Also it probably didn't meet the...
Looks good overall, maybe some more cover in the open areas but leave enough so that the mongoose can drive around. Other than that good work.
Re: Turf This seems like a good remake. I've seen one other Turf remake that is better than your though, but you should be happy being a runner...
When will the day come where people stop creating Skybases/Floating structures on Standoff? Looks ok, nothing new to me.
Neat, organized, well thought out. Some interlocking could be nice but without it is fine. This map has a nice aesthetic element to it to. Nice work.
Re: KD Place Can I has organization? This map is really sloppy to be a competitive map. You did interlocking which would be good if it made...
The map is kind of dull and lacking. On the second to last screenshot though I believe you should use a bridge instead of those stairs because it...
Looks ok, I don't see anything improved from your previous map I just saw. Also you generally don't want to take your screenshots in forge.
Unless there is any way you can disprove this, this should be in the Casual Section. Would a mod please do this for him? Thanks.
Re: ambush evo Embed those pictures please and don't link to your fileshare. Furious is right, you are on thin ice so make sure to read the...
I forge more than I do play matchmaking so I don't really care.
He is right. In response to your question however it really does help being a drummer And yes, Green Grass and High Tides is a pain of a...
Are you asking for help to be sponsored by the website or do you need help getting the bomb inside a soocer ball? I'll see it when I believe it.
Are you mentally incapacitated? Furious I love this design, and I especially like how it could fit more than one variant/gametype. The middle...
I like this a lot. The concept is neat and the design is original. Good work on the flag location as well. I'll dl this when I can.
This looks pretty good, I have to say though it does look sloppy in some areas but other than that I'll dl this when I get a chance. Nice work.
I could almost say this looks like a perfect map but what in the world is with all the Warthogs? Is every team member supposed to drive one or...