Agreed. Also, I don't think you need the tank. It may look good parked there in the middle of the map, but think about gameplay. Given the high...
Wow, definitely didn't think I'd be seeing this again. It's been a while since I've played Battlefront. The real question is how will this map...
Some parts of this map remind me a Gemini from Halo 2. The map appears to be well made, and the layout makes well for double team I believe. First...
Great controller for games like Mortal Kombat 9, since the D-pad has distinct buttons for putting together combos.
Up for grabs, free for the taking. I have a download code for Mass Effect 2 Blood Dragon Armor. I also have a download code for the Dragon Age...
Battlefield 3. I feel like it will be a lot like the Blu-Ray vs. HD DVD war. Although HD DVD was actually proven to be better quality than...
I came across this today while Forging on Forge World, and I don't know how to fix it. I have a teleporter, both the receiver node and sender node...
It may just be me, but it appears there are a couple places on the map that could use some tiding up (making corners meet, symmetry of structures,...
Before I even begin to forge, there are three things that I must do in preparation. First, get food. The last map I produced was an ongoing...
Even though Headlong has much more of a cityscape than the Forge World environment could provide, I think you did an adequate job recreating the...
PM me and I may be able to help. I have an endless, bountiful supply of render minutes on my Bungie Pro account.
Cosmic, that is my favorite by far, great colors.
That's awesome.
Re: The Station: Fight it out in an abandoned train station! This looks like a definite S.W.A.T. map. I'd advise you to change your subject to...
This maps pretty sloppy in the last three screenshots you have. I'd clean this up in hopes of avoiding the same feedback I'm giving you right now.
Re: Defilement You've got a lot of empty space on your map. I see no need to try this one out until I have proof you filled those gaps. I like...
You should look carefully at your 3rd screenshot. What do you think I'm going to say about it? Well look at those spawns. You should really space...
You have a fantastic amount of screenshots so please embed them.
This looks like a real "stealthy" map with all the small crevasses. I like that you have some interlocking as well, such as the second screenshot....
The link to your fileshare totally blew your post. Take pride in your work. And now about the map, I think there are too many vehicles to begin...