I wonder personally more about whether there will be another game after COD4, and if so what will it be called/about?
Oh thats right, my brain must not be functioning. I remember now a friend told me that. I guess what I meant to say probably was considering that...
Make your screenshots larger to make it easier for the community to see. Sounds fun, good description too. My only complaint would be a lack of...
Re: Mischief Maze 2 (Puzzle Game) When I click the screenshots so that I may enlarge them it takes me to a sign in page. I use Photobucket so I...
Re: PINMANNON Honestly, I didn't see a need to (sorry). But for your sake I'll dl it and report back. I saw this pinball machine and it looks...
Everyone should take into account that Guitar Hero and Rockband are made by the same people, Harmonix.
Looks nice and neat. My only complaint would be the Shotgun in the middle, I don't like it when Shotguns are displayed on weapon holders. I know...
Re: PINMANNON Yikes! I want to drop a giant house in the middle of this map to fill the emptiness. I see you have some scenery but it still...
This map really disappoints me knowing I could have done this in five minutes. The only objects that can be seem from the screenshots are are...
Fileshare is a no no. Please be sure to post a link to the Bungie.net forum, because it is required. Looks sloppy in some areas and I'm sure the...
If you have played Bioshock you could base it off of Dr. Steinmens labratory. That would be cool.
666 is the number of the devil, not 6666. But if you believe in that karma stuff than I cand understand why you posted.
I know you said its a basic map but I'm sure myself included, and others are not interested in the basic maps. Because of what Foundry has to...
I'll say the same thing I said about your map Cany - Thats a nice fancy poster you've created but the screenshots are pretty small. I can't...
Thats a nice fancy poster you've created but the screenshots are pretty small. I can't really judge your map and give you any feedback based on...
This looks like a ton of fun for KotH Hammers. Even though I'm not too good with the hammer I'd love to play this and see how it turns out. Good work.
Re: Cannon Base 2 Nice job on the post, and the map. I think if you put the effort in you could easily straighten those crates to make the map...