Well, whoever wrote this post really needs to learn how to post. When I post my first map (soon I hope), I will make sure my post is awesome. I...
It looks nice and simple and the arena looks clean (although why do you need walls sticking up if it's just hammers?). The only thing I wonder is...
Heh, I am on all I can, which is on the weekends late and Thursday and Friday and infrequently other weekdays. Yeah, there's a block of time...
It sounds awesome, but, sadly I can use it because I keep getting this stupid IE "can't display webpage" message. Any help?
Yeah really! This looks totally unbelievable and EXTREMELY easy to understand. Like, 4 year-old easy :)
Wow it looks really good from the pics. The hidden pipes sound really cool because it looks like they're really secret looking areas. Definitely...
I am downloading this :) But I have one question: what is the point of a pacecar?
Wow, don't post a second thread of the same thing! People don't usually like that. Just fix this thread. (Edit button!) And what's wrong with...
I did a little research. The pictures are here: http://www.bungie.net/stats/Halo3/Screenshots.aspx?gamertag=ajdmmaniop (I just took your...
Well, even with the small thumbnails I am downloading it because it looks interesting! Now, what changes did you make to the oddball variant,...
AMAZING! I am immediately going to try to make my own race maps because this is THE coolest non-killing type game on halo i've played!! I wish I...