ur name iz awesome
i cant really see anything from the pics
look very asthentic, i like asthentic maps 5/5
looks very clean :)
looks a bit open. nice interlocking
i wonder if survelance cameras caught it
lol guitar hero
i enjoy cops and robbers. its probably not that fun of a game cause the cops shoot the robbers, or the robbers shoot the cops just because most of...
how many minutes is that?
ive never tried monster
mabye u can add some captions?
looks very nice and simple
lol how did you get premium so fast? ur just a unsc trainee
sheild doors look a lot of fun
nice idea. i dont have anything in plan to stop the the map stealers. i guess we are just gunna have to deal with them
eeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwww lol
the pics dont really explain that much for me
Distortion is much better than this. But this map is still diffrent from most of the maps here. 4/5
i doubt it but will this be free?