looked at some of the pics and there awesome just plz embed them and i will download
This pic i took a long long time ago right when foundry was realeased. I just want to show this to you ppl. [IMG] Here is the download link if...
nice map. i liked the video. you spelled finally and bungie wrong
it means they wont be announcing it for this upcoming e3. thats just my opinion
it wont come out for another two or three years like all the other halo games
i like the last one where the purple guy talks about being a general and killing his parents with a spatula. that was the funniest halo 3 vid ever.
this made me change my armor to an elite
um ya need to register to photobucket.com first than save the picture to your pictures. than upload a pic to ur album and then copy the image code...
best pic ever. it reminds me of the gargoyle pic that was faved by bungie. im serius ur going to get alot of downloads. oh ya and one more thing u...
its like a combination of CCS and COD4. im still saving money for this game. the demo was great
im sorry but i beleive you stole this map. ive seen a video of this map and it says that someone else made it. excuse me if im wrong
um i really dont get this vid lol
sry this looks really sloppy 2/5
I loved watching i am legend. great map man. mabye ill DL.
Im not exited for Fourth of July cause there is literrally nothing to do. Setting firworks is illegal over here in Illinois so there is no point...
Um i really didnt get that post lol. Its seems like its just another hate letter to Bungie.
How about a smoke grenade?
Wow people thanks for the feedback. Over 60 downloads in one day! Its official that I will turn all the boxes upsidown for the V.2.