I would really appreciate if you didn't go around and say that I didn't make maps like Sandheart Manor and my other maps- people have been telling...
I'm not trying to sound mean but I think that making a race map on Rats Nest is slightly pointless because it is already a race track to begin...
I'm sorry to whoever was offended by my counter to his post but whats done is done and I don't regret saying a single thing in that post so lets...
Maybe when I get done with this map- gonna be the first Slayer map I add to forge hub =]
Thx- The game played very well with me when I played with 13 people, at least the people in that game liked it ^_^
No- there in the movie Tony walks pretty much the entire time in this scene because he has a confident swagger- I set the game up to be super...
Miami...1981.... the cocaine trade was booming and many people went out to start new lives and make millions by trafficking this less than legal...
Yeah.... I could definitely picture sum sexy elite...I mean SPARTAN strippers tryin to kill me but for now Im workin on sumtin else so maybe l8r =]
Soooo why post i if you don't want anybody to use it without permission...it kinda defeats the purpose..... Yhe map looks ok but the interlocking...
Why thank you much old chap!!! 8D
I used a stacked canvas and used a lot of the original map pieces to craft the skeleton of it then halfway I deleted the stacked part of the map =]
Well good day good sir, dont let the door hit you on the way out.
ummm.. its actually neither... its in aesthetics =]
Yeah- as a matter of fact I think I do remember you- but idk- I think all of my maps have equal amazingness in my heart =]
Hmmmm... Im not one for using filters on maps, makes everything hard to see and kind of takes away fro the fun but its a menial complication. Some...
Finally!!! A heckler!!! All that I ever wanted for this post so I could crush them and grind them into the sand and dirt until they beg for mercy...
Well of course it would appear like a maze the first time you play it- the map is complex and large- but really the map is very straight forward...
Yea- I tried to make the map really stand out by adding the elevator look to it
Well I wold have put a shield dorr in front to prevent it but I kinda had no objects left sooo noo ^_^
You have woken up in forge heaven...and your milk and honey is on its way. ^_^