Well, the plot of the film goes along the lines of where the director (my friend) in the film, is cheated on by his girlfriend with the guy tied...
Well, he had made this short preview as a final project for his Fall Semester, but then he would have a full 5 months to do the entire film for...
My friend at my Art College recently made a trailer for a movie that he was considering making into a full length film here for his final project,...
Dude, you didnt ask me permission to modify and post my map.... Its kind of messed up.
i literally have 0$ left in the budget, so that is why the map is not going to be changed to infection, plus there are multiple incredibly...
Thank you everyone. :) And yes the reason why I added in the jetpack was so you could explore the entire map if you so wished; actually, if you...
its completely aesthetic, I was just trying to play around with different looks of the map atmosphere.
Lol... I am honestly not understanding why this isnt getting any attention...I guess that Forgehub has changed quite a bit since the last time I...
Bahahah....no..they arent sloppy whatsoever..trust me, I do not make "sloppy". ;) I make sure my maps are pretty much top of the line before I...
So...here is the map that I have been trying to post for about a month now... I just now got Xbox Live back thanks to a friend of mine, so that...
Ehhh..I guess I could do that, I will have to ask a friend of mine if I could borrow their account.
Yes, the 48 hour cards are basically just extended silver accounts, you can play games and join parties, but pretty much that is it, you cant do...
Hey guys, I am just wondering if it is possible to somehow upload a map into your fileshare while you are silver. To answer any questions that I...
Good afternoon good sirs, After about... 5 months of not releasing a map, I have decided that I should finally stop being lazy and finish one up,...
Hey guys, lately I have been busy and havent been able to play much Reach but I was wanting to make a new map here pretty soon since I havent...
@Densebaracuda All it takes is using the right objects for the right things, and you get a good map. :) Take your time and it will be better than...
Well sure go ahead, you have my permission to use it, but as for the whole entire forging team, I don't really forge well with people, but thank...
Well yes- I treid to set up something like that for the shooting range but I found that it got kind of boring there after awhile. I decided to put...
Well thank you Grim, I spent quite the long time on it. ^^
Yes- there is a certain secret area that has a mongoose and some secret little things in it that can only be accessed by humans. (Its in the first...