Sarge could you do me a quick favor please? I need my avatar changed to:, being in opening my Christmas hat post...
Opps spelling error alert :P. I meant it kept crashing, but yeah I found out the problem after thinking it over abit. Nothing with the game...
No reason to do so if no mods are installed :O. Even more so iv deleted the whole .bin and its still not crashing :P.
My Minecraft isnt even working it keeps crashing so I can't even say whats up with it. :/.
The server will be up soon to the public, and you can join all you want and build all you want. We are moving the server so we can get a carto of...
Plugins need to be updated and stuff still. Should be open again tomorrow. Sorry for all this but really its Notch's fault for updating so much.
Good to hear you joined. Its up atm, however the server needs to updated so :/ if you wish to join if you haven't updated yet.
We are waiting for our admin to open up from whitelist mode again. However just type in and you should log in when we aren't...
Our server at ( ), is finally public and live to everyone. We found out the main map was corrupt and so we had to...
Yes I do own a mac. For your question, the ZIP should go in the texturepack folder. Now if you downloaded one from somewhere it should be already...
Minecraft Mod Encyclopedia Edition 3 « CraftHub Enjoy :).
Yeah for health testing in SMP :3.
Nice find! Looking forward to this so much now :D.
And yet your comment has no real point to it. He asked for help and i gave such. Stop trolling :P.
Im open however I do charge so its a down side ;(.
So who's happy about the SMP finally getting Health next week?
Yes. When I started that blasted eye kept bothering me and so I kept trying to fix it ( OCD problem lol ).
Edgar Allan Poe by ~Kidbomber on deviantART [IMG]
Minecraft Wallpaper Collection « CraftHub Enjoy :P
[IMG] Minecraft PC, Linux, Mac game - Indie DB This thread seems dead. Seems people are getting bored of it :O.