u mad cuz no1 wants your foto quoctran.
I still think its me ever time I see you post chuck. And, what? Its been like 6 months or so?
I'd find it funny if BT found a picture of someone that looks like you.
Camo, I keep thinking your avatar is of BT for some reason. I know its Chip da Ripper.
They all suck.
Sure is .gif in here.
DJ Mehdi (feat Chromeo) - 'I Am Somebody' - YouTube
I did that last night when it came up in a skype convo. I want to see it, but then I really don't want to.
http://dfarecords.com/radiomixes/HolyGhost_Remixes_Vol1_A.mp3 http://dfarecords.com/radiomixes/HolyGhost_Remixes_Vol1_B.mp3
We will. Just when I'm not doing anything on a friday.
Battleship Official Trailer #2 - Rihanna Movie (2012) HD - YouTube I can't wait for the movie version of this minigame.
It was like that scene from Clockwork Orange, but instead of random tv shows and movies it was only Big Bang Theory. My eyes burned like if you...
I'm very uncultured.
Respek Knuckles - YouTube
I don't find any form of smoking attractive.
\o yeah, life, man. One of the most awkward moments that is has happened was on a date earlier last year. I met this girl at a party, she...