labryinth/jellyfish (original version)Now finally my newest map, which i do wish for a matchmaking option Labyrinth: yes the name does not suit...
hey im back,have i ever tooken the piss out of you,i have then im sorry,ive maturized over the past months!so hey im hunEtER0121773 ,N IM A FORGER...
dnt have any more
Bio gardens, amazing aren't they the Spartan making lab in the small halls small but very important,the health facility very needed,and the...
an epic map but the gu ships are a it strange in look cause i made a few n dey luk just lyk it but with more resorces n i saw u made 2 so dat myt...
i think england deserves more power then usa
heres mine --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [IMG]
hey guys final got my logo kinda but its of me [IMG]
just foc off
i want clan battles guy n galz plz match me
were do u get the armour pics
r u sure u wernt afencive cause dat was
really cool 4-5 how do u get those gc
u no dat forgehub has gay ***** addministrators n dey **** evven go in a 4v4 battle frum the OTLS
hey I'm hunter that my nickname,my names really karan I'm Sikh I like to fore asymmetric maps because i like teams to get cornered one game and...
tht would be so cool but u can be jakals grunts and skirmisher and still get pwned
really cool mp
hey were do you get those nae plate things their so cool
reeally cool i would give you more feedback but ive just seen this mp
Suitable for most game types,ctf,koth,assault and oddball are best best on the map red team are very easily cornered many hidden weapons.turrets...