Looks cool idk if you stole but ill DL
Look like a switch is it? lol i guess ill find out.. DL
DL'ing right now i was looking for this map but couldnt remember the name but.. I FOUND IT!!!
Hey bro you double posted.. dont do that you might get in trouble.. just delete one and edit the other
Looks cool but small I don't do small maps.. if its not small tell me and ill DL
Looks very nice im gunna DL right now.
it looks ok i might DL... MAYBE lol
Looks cool i might DL ill ask my friend, hes picky...
I would DL but i hate grifball, duno why..
Looks cool but i like non-messy maps.. or i would DL
I like it but if there is anyway you can.. make the wall taller cause some people are like me.. GRENADE JUMP lol i love doing it, Im DLing...
Looks pretty cool i think ill DL..
Looks cool but I dont like avalance.. like i pretty much would like to spit on it, but yaknow.. ill try it.. DL
I tried to make a mape like this!!! (EPIC FAIL) So I'll "Steal" yours... loll DL'ing
Cool... but do certain parts appear at diff spawn times or what.
Never heard of a Borg but ill DL looks cool.
Looks..... hmm.. Ill DL
Nice looking map ill DL see how I like...
Lol if it falls, its arms ar so small it cant get back up... poor thang.
Hey i really need someone to com show me how to GEO-Merge, Teleport letter make, and some other things because the threads in forging 101 and...