Hello all, I am posting this to try to get someone to come help me Geo - Merge because non of the threads or posts help.. I do exactly what they...
lol nice.. u m1t3 g3t r3c0nzz!
totaly downloading.. im using to ban my friends from my clan
looks pretty cool i might Dl idk if i can drive though
idk if this belongs in maps.. maybe random post things..
looks cool maybe a Dl maybe not..
looks pretty cool i might Dl..
wooh 1st post and 1st Dl mwahha
looks cool i might Dl not sure.
Looks pretty cool i might DL dude.
looks almost like a half pipe i could enjoy with the new board I just got =] lol
Looks nice idk if ill DL though
Could be better but it looks nice... 3.5/5
Looks cool but my disk is scratched and I cant play high ground.. or I would DL. x(
Loks pretty cool i like the maps where your just in foundry with no roof and barriors..
Looks pretty cool I might Dl see how its played =]
idk i guess it looks alright but im not downloading it for some unknown reasone really good map though 5/5
Looks purty cool im going to download and Play Around...
Idk.. looks ok but i guess its kinda... well..
Looks alright I don't download many maps though but great job kinda small looking... small LOOKING, not saying it IS small.