Hey I checked out your blog and I think your just like me it's not noobiness it takes more skill than ARing somone then smacking them. Nice job!!
.:7CR Underground:. [IMG] Hey guys, I'm back with another map called 7CR Underground It is a 4 base symetrical map with open top areas and a...
Hey, I joined your group
Can I just ask, on the "Finished" picture what is that brown thing by the elite? Anyway sweet job I haven't seen many of your CoD4 maps but...
Onslaught CTF Amplified TS The Pit Hill/CTF
If your looking for somone to play with hook me up with FR I'm looking for another player too, all my friends are on GOW2... Arseholes..
I'm only a level 9 LOL, and most of the MLG matches I've played hardly any of the people I've played with don't even have mics.
The map sounds pretty good is there a page on FH for this map where we can see pictures etc?
Personally, I think T2 is amazing, he's got great skill in Slayer and is pretty good in objective.
Thanks for the sig it looks awesome!
Nice work, but as the guys have said it needs a little more cover.
Nice, great merging and the map looks well planned and proffesinaly forged.
I've seen this sooo many times before.