Hey I saw you with TBS Foundationz on XBL, are you guys friends?
This pic is epic! How did you do that effect, it looks like lightning bolts!?
Castle crasherz!!!
U wanna play CC?
Here it is- [IMG] Spaz is about to be pasted by a rocket!
I play on 5 because it's in the middle, not too fast but not too slow either.
Map URL: Click here Map Name: Chainlink Gamertag/s: TheBurninCheese, Spazmonkey92
Thanks for the FR :)
[IMG] This is my old sig, what do you think? Please say how it could be improved.
Allow me to explain, you see it all started when me, Berk & Grass were on Narrows sticking each-other on the cannon men... After...
Requirments: The requirements to join are: Be in a custom with us and get a good score, forge and make us laugh. pretty simple. We're a Casual...
Sup ben it's cheese
What time is the brain feast?
Let me google this for you Click Here! 3rd link down halopeidia!
Maybe, I'll send you a message on XBL if I do.
What pic pack did you get your Str8 Rippin Gamerpic?
If you want to name another map, you should use this thread to help you out :) Is that a Sentinel beam in the bottom right corner in the first...
Thanks Spaz, you helped out loads too!
There's Butterfly's on Vallhalla!
It dose'nt use the back room , most of the battles are fought in the center of the map.