I'm on my 5th Character. I can never finish them... I've got one at level 28 and I can't motivate myself to get to level 30... EDIT: I guess that...
Can't play Oblivion, Bioshock or Mass Effect any more. Too boring. I just prefer multiplayer in games. Notice the way I said 'for me' or that I...
Pretty much. The line between Hardcore and casual is blending in quite a bit now-a-days. You say Halo is Hardcore, I'd call it the most...
Creepy that about half of it fits. No point to be made in this post. On a small note, Infamous and Prototype both sound boring to me. Too much...
The **** are you on? That's Onyx. Reach is, or was, the humans biggest military base or operations, besides Earth until it got invaded.
What's with everyone wanting a new Mario, Zelda or whatever? It's about time those franchises got a break. Bring in some new franchises....
2 is my favorite yet. Problem is, you have way too much free space.
Not as funny as Lagoon is to me right now. Yes but you did put it in ALL CAPITALS which gave me the impression that's all that mattered to...
Since you actually said something other then 'ZOMG, PHYSICS BASED DESTRUCTION,' I'll commend you on that and say you got me. Doom is...
I am chill. Sure, it's innovative if you think about as a different genre of game but as a shooter it really isn't. Destruction has been tried in...
Maybe they'll PM him?
A quick look at Gameinformer tells me they said the graphics are good because a building looks nice falling down. Red Faction has the same...
I'd probably call that a pretty fair review. Shocking to me as it is IGN. All the other reviewers seem to be going on about the destruction...
I think it's good if we weren't talking about Forgehub. The main problem is that the Forgehub is detracking from the overall theme. It seems like...
Being an asshole is a crime? Seriously?
I find it funny that you actually went to the trouble of looking through my visitor messages. Each one of them in the wrong context can mean...
Because people in the real world are sometimes too sensitive. Not all Generals do that and you need to harden the **** up if it really bothers...
The style you're going for seems a little boring for Big Daddies. Since you like Bioshock I'm assuming you wanted to bring out what Big Daddies...
I would assume that it is the other wa around as I suffer huge lag on Gears 2 whenever I play after 5 due to Americans start coming onto Gears...
Here's something that has me puzzeled. Who compliments people for having nice connections? I've heard of people complaining about connections but...