Yeah, if you like cheating. Or if you don't mind the trip to wherever. Or you have wi-Fi on the day of those online events. I don't have any of...
Yes. Pokemon is still in the top 10 best selling gaming franchises there. Just because you have moved away from it does not mean that other people...
I guess I owe you one now...
That's actually really good! Thanks for telling me! Any other of his music you'd recommend?
No, I haven't. I generally listen to Frank Klepacki or Ocremixes for my non-lyrical music. Do you have a link?
You might want to look it up on their site too...
This. Even the stock has me wondering what I'm looking at. The Black and White did not help it either. Even with color... Maybe I'm just not...
Am I the only one that thinks some of these look like Star Wars? The character designs only. ANd since I never bought RFG, have they done a...
That is still no excuse. In Halo 2, the maps were integrated with the original maps once they came out, they also added the Preview playlists...
I agree iwth Vinny, somewhat. Bungie should just let MAtchmaking be played by everyone. Instead of those with the map packs. I don't understand...
Really? Woah! I should have guessed since it wa just one word that has no humoress connatations. You are a master at humor. Well played good sir....
Terrorists are people who believe in their cause to fight for it. They aren't suicidal, crazy or unstable by nature. And most western nations...
Oh, I'm terribly sorry for not knowing who a band was. Please forgive me. It was just an honest mistake! I'll try and be more knowledgeable about...
Who's Rise Against?
I like anything that doesn't have screams. There are exceptions but in general I hate them. And generally I like music that has no lyrices. I...
Oh, how cute. You thought I meant that they were small as in how known and how much money they have! How cute. No. They are small in the number...
I know what Valve made. That doesn't change the fact that they are small and are very independant. And since you added insults, you idiot.
Have you actually played the games? Boomers rarely come in pairs. Hunters always do. Hunters are unable to use any other weapon other then their...
How did it glitch? I'm sure if you restart the game you could get it easily.
I don't see why that video makes you excited when all of it was confirmed at E3. Hell, those were all said at the very start. Left 4 Dead is a...