Finally, a fellow inventor. The map has great game-play by the way, but I am sure the FX is going to piss some people off.
Are you referring to an aesthetic center piece perhaps?
If merged? That is not a why to rate a map. There have been many great maps that have had no merging, think of the map Halo and Run. Did they have...
The map design is great, however the scenery could use some work. However, keep it up and you may be an accomplished competitive map maker some day.
This map is so epic it amazes me. I have never seen such a great combination of aesthetics and game-play. 10 out of 10!
*Whistles* impressive. Make sure people can get to the top easily thou, by the way you spelled infection wrong. I love the 3d gameplay though!
It works well for that. I need to get a Game type designer on that though. It is not ment for competitive CTF, or Assault. It is ment for fun....
The spawning is based off a rank, yes, less spawn points near the good weapons. I keep hearing people complain about cover. However, cover is not...
Hammer of Dawn Map_Download Dear Reader, You are about to witness a map worthy of Sandbox's size, budget, and landscape. Please enjoy this...
The map seems easy to make. Espicial.y since the entire thing is not roofed. SO why do you need help it seems simple enough.
Invasion? I have invented a Covenant Grav Lift which can allow a user to return to the Covenant Ship. I do however see some major problems. There...
I set it up for every game type but many people enjoy watching the struggle of a hornet trying to evac. a flag carrier (ONE FLAG.) I am actually...
I could build a ship and you could turn it into a warp gate.
Yeah I know, Laziness on my part. The Drop pods however is what this map is based off in the fact that they work! They stay together. The only...
ThX for the help the pictures a tad bit glitchy today. I will just upload them to image shack. PLZ Comment on Map I really would...
Why did you friend me?
Agreed, way to gray. Make it more "juicy".
Thanks Man. Turned out to be an internal problem. I found an alternative anyway. By the way would you mind rating my map.
Thx to bad is screwed up today.
Help me picture will not work!