love your new map!
This map is huge. I love towers! I think it would be great for infection if you could set it up. Although the lack of terrain kind ruins the...
This map is so good my mouth is watering. GREAT JOB. Playable and Aesthetic. You know in Reach you can make an army of these things.
Oh boy I love fixing up ships!
WOW? I only wish you had it made it playable. This would have made a killer one bomb map. But, great job! I am amazed by the size of it. It puts...
Was this map truely stolen? I dunno but his gamemode makes more sense.
Nice job. Anemone I love your new map. To be honest I am actually kind jealous. Keep up the good work!
GASP! This map has the most incredible aesthetics I have seen in a very long map. I think my jaw dropped when I first saw the first pic. I know...
You are making a dropship map? :D Need a co-forger?
I wasn't aware we had an anime fan-club here. Sign me up!
It drew attention from you right?
Aesthetics: 7/20 Aesthetically, it seems you did not spend time on the map. The map is not really smooth either. There is plenty of potential...
The Lost Planet 2 railway gun was based of this famous gun from WWII. It was the largest gun ever built. It can fire a 5 meter long shell almost...
It is not really a contest per say, I am just want to see people attempt to built it is all. I figured you know if the mods, can make a contest...
Your Challenge: To construct one of the largest guns ever built. Schwerer_Gustav If one needs a sense of scale click here For Clarification this...
The map seems good but if one compares it to Mass Driver then it is truly a let down. Perhaps you could create a more sophisticated firing system....
Not enough info to judge the map. Also why did you choose to name it Ragnarok. Don't name your maps cool names, give the name a hidden meaning....
You should have edited your last post instead of creating a new thread.
It got featured in hidden gems. Submit this to Atlas so it can be in matchmaking this map is EPIC!
You click on the picture till you get it as big as you can then get the image code from that not the thumbnail.